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Now that the Exterior season is finishing, we thought it would be interesting to hear what the crew has to say about which weather conditions outside are the toughest to work in. We asked them to rate the following: 1) Heat, 2) Humidity, 3) Cold, 4) Wind: Here’s the answers:
Dan, Painting Contractor: The worst is Wind. Next is Cold. Following that would be Humidity and then Heat.
Tony, Painter: Humidity is the worse. Next is Wind. Following that is Heat. The easiest is Cold. Comments: We had a good season, but 1 job with a lot of prep work we did was hard. This house was in really bad shape. There was a lot of peeling. It probably could have used a 3rd coat, but the customer wanted to do only 1 coat, except in worse areas he agreed on 2 coats. What happened is this house was not kept in good condition, and the last time it was painted, they probably just painted over the peeled areas.
Mike, Painter: The worst is Humidity. Next is Wind. Following that is Heat and then finally Cold. Comments: One day, when I was working with Dan, the wind was so intense that you couldn’t even go on a step ladder. Also, with winds, when on a roof or putting a ladder on it, it can be very dangerous.
John, President: I would combine Heat and Humidity together as the worse. Next is Wind, and then Cold. If it is Cold and Windy, you can’t work. If it’s just cold, then you can. In 4 Decades, the worse is the Heat with the Humidity. It’s a killer. It destroys you.
Chris, President of Tacoma, WA location: These conditions don’t apply out here. We never have Humidity. However, the fog can be bad. Typically, we start with a rainy season, then it turns good, and then comes the Fog with the Cold. At the end, there is only 4-5 workable hours time in a day. Also, what currently is going on is a lot of smoke from all the fires out here.
So that’s the opinion of the crew. Everyone has a different perspective of the conditions. The guys in IL are in for a big change now that our Interior season is starting, and they don’t have to be concerned about the weather outside! In the Tacoma location, Chris is doing Exterior and Interior both during the Spring/Summer season.