By prpwright
April 29, 2020
You don’t have to settle for old, red brick on either your Exterior of your home, or for your Interior Fireplace. Many homeowners are updating the brick on the Exterior, or partial brick on the front of the Exterior, and changing the color to a more updated white, off white, or even light gray such as the photo below. Having the right painting company do the work, with the right application process, is very important. Not only is the specific Materials used important, but also having highly skilled painters/ painting contractors doing the work is a must. Changing the outdated red brick Fireplace is another option that homeowners have. Not only does it look like a brand new fireplace, it also brightens up the room when a white or off-white color is used, such as the photo below. Dont “settle” for what you have, either when you buy a new home, or when you have lived in the home for many years. A facelift does wonders for the appearance, and you will love to show this off to your friends and family members.